In this case I’d say both yes and no. It turns out I did not have lung cancer, for which I am eternally grateful. However, on the weekend following my CT scan, I began to feel very ill. Continue reading »
Last night was rough. I woke up wheezing several times (wasn’t doing that before) and had a hard time catching my breath. I felt horrible all morning because I was gasping for air. And nothing I tried made breathing any easier. Continue reading »
Let the testing continue
I’ve still been working out every morning because even though it’s hard, it seems to have improved my energy level and can only help my lung capacity. But I missed my workout today because I needed to have some more tests run. Continue reading »
Time to face my own mortality?
I originally started this blog to try to sort through my feelings about my own mother’s death. But like with many things I start, life got in the way, and I haven’t had much time for updates. Could the reason that I kept deciding to renew the domain over the last few years be to chronicle my own journey from this life to the next? Continue reading »